Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lisanna Strauss (Fairy Tail)

Lisanna Strauss

I don’t get why she gets a lot of hate, Just because she’s breaking "NaLu" (not saying this because i’m a "NaLi" shipper but im being honest here)

she doesn't deserve those haters at all! I ship "NaLi" but i'm not hating Lucy

Lisanna is one sweet girl, it's not like she's breaking NaLu apart, just because she had a past with Natsu and how she vowed to be Natsu's wife, but don’t worry people! Mashima-sensei is hinting NaLu all the way and can't you just accept that there are some fans that likes NaLi better than NaLu? (Like Me of course) and same goes for some of my co-NaLi Shippers too (Vice-Versa)

There are just some people (and i'm one of them) that see more chemistry in NaLi more than NaLu. Neither this pairings are official, and Fairy Tail's genre isn't even "Romance"

I find "Fanshipping Wars" really stupid that goes for both NaLi and Nalu shippers and i am not siding anyone here

Aye Sir!

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